Awesome Yeti Hand Pagination

Made this fun pagination module with a helpful yeti hand. Created with HTML, JS + GreenSock. Demo and Download available.

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CreatedSEPTEMBER 19, 2018
Compatible browsersChrome, Firefox, Safari

HTML Snippet

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4.2-5 11.7-5.6 16.6-1.4 4.5 3.8 5.5 10.3 2.4 15.2l-.2.3c-6 9.8-8.1 21.5-6.6 32.7 1.4 11.2 6.4 21.8 13.5 29.7"/> 				<path fill="#DDF1FA" d="M221.5 41.5c-6 9.8-8.1 21.5-6.6 32.7 1.4 11.2 6.4 21.8 13.5 29.7 6.7 7.4 6.2 18.8-1.2 25.6-7.4 6.7-18.8 6.2-25.6-1.2-.6-.7-1.2-1.4-1.7-2.2l-.5-.7c-9.9-15.1-14.8-32.7-14.4-50.1.2-8.7 1.7-17.3 4.7-25.5 2.9-8.2 7.3-15.8 12.8-22.4 4.2-5 11.7-5.6 16.6-1.4 4.5 3.8 5.5 10.3 2.4 15.2v.3z"/> 				<path fill="#A9DDF3" d="M214.5 26.5l-6.4 9c-.7.9-2 1.1-2.9.5l-2.5-1.8c-.9-.7-1.1-2-.5-2.9l2.7-3.8c2.1-3 6.3-3.7 9.2-1.5l.3.2c."/> 				<path fill="none" stroke="#3A5E77" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="5" d="M186.9 95c-1.4-6.5-2-13.1-1.8-19.7.2-8.7 1.7-17.3 4.7-25.5 2.9-8.2 7.3-15.8 12.8-22.4 4.2-5 11.7-5.6 16.6-1.4 4.5 3.8 5.5 10.3 2.4 15.2l-.2.3c-6 9.8-8.1 21.5-6.6 32.7 1.4 11.2 6.4 21.8 13.5 29.7"/> 			</g> 			<path fill="#DDF1FA" d="M174.5 229.1l-64.4-64.6 41.4-41.4c26.6-26.6 68.8-27.6 94.1-2.2l18.5 18.6-89.6 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CSS Code

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JavaScript Snippet

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Awesome Yeti Hand Pagination preview

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