24 Free CSS Scroll Effect Examples

In this article, we have collected 24 examples of CSS scroll effects. CSS Scroll Effects are an easy way to add some cool effects to your website without having to write code.

These CSS Scroll Effects Collections are perfect for creating unique designs for websites.

Horizontal Scroll Sections


  • Ellis

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • JANUARY 17, 2019

Updated on

  • MARCH 21, 2019

About the Code

If you’re looking to add horizontal scroll sections to your website, you can use SCSS to easily achieve this effect. By adding a few lines of code, you can create horizontal CSS scroll effect sections that are responsive and look great on all devices.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery utils



  • mainserv

Made with

  • HTML / CSS / JS

Created on

  • MARCH 14, 2017

Updated on

  • APRIL 24, 2019

About the Code

Mouse wheel event > Vertical Scroll + Slider with Horizontal CSS Scroll Effects + Split Screen

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery jquery.mousewheel TweenMax ScrollToPlugin

Horizontal scroll, drag, transition, bounce


  • jesper landberg

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • OCTOBER 20, 2018

Updated on

  • APRIL 5, 2020

About the Code

Using CSS and JavaScript, you can create a horizontal scroll, drag, transition, and bounce effect.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: TweenMax imagesloaded.pkgd

Horizontal Scroll with GSAP and ScrollMagic


  • Naila Ahmad

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • JANUARY 30, 2017

Updated on

  • JANUARY 31, 2017

About the Code

Simple Horizontal Scroll with GSAP and Scrollmagic.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery TweenMax ScrollMagic animation.gsap debug.addIndicators

Pure CSS horizontal scroll tentative


  • Mehdi

Made with


Created on

  • APRIL 9, 2016

Updated on

  • APRIL 9, 2016

About the Code

Horizontal scroll animation CSS. If you’re looking for a horizontal CSS scroll effect animation effect that can be achieved using only CSS, this demo is for you.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


One page scroll navigation with css transforms


  • Nikolay Talanov

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

Updated on

  • OCTOBER 30, 2017

About the Code

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to add one-page CSS scroll effect navigation to your website, CSS transforms are the way to go. In this demo, we’ll show you how to use CSS transforms to create a one-page scroll navigation effect, and how to add some extra polish with CSS transitions.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Skewed One-Page Scroll


  • Nikolay Talanov

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • NOVEMBER 4, 2015

Updated on

  • NOVEMBER 4, 2015

About the Code

Have you ever come across a one page scroll animation CSS website and thought to yourself, “How did they make that?” Well, wonder no more! In this demo, we created a one-page CSS scroll effect using SCSS and JavaScript.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery

Change Background Gradient on Scrolling


  • Mike

Made with


Created on

  • JUNE 27, 2018

Updated on

  • July 8, 2018

About the Code

When building websites, there are often times when you want to change the background gradient on the scroll. This can be a great way to add some visual interest to your site and make it more engaging for users. CSS Scroll effect Indicator technique to make a background gradient that adapts to scroll position. CSS animation on scroll without javascript

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Intersection Observer CSS Scroll Effect


  • Emily Hayman

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • OCTOBER 14, 2018

Updated on

  • OCTOBER 14, 2018

About the Code

If you’re looking for a way to add some extra pizzazz to your website, you might want to try using CSS variables to create a parallax effect CSS. Leveraging Intersection Observer along with CSS variables to create an interesting scroll effect.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Full page header scroll effect


  • Ana Tudor

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • OCTOBER 7, 2014

Updated on

  • OCTOBER 7, 2014

About the Code

You can create visually appealing full-page header CSS scroll effects using SCSS and JavaScript by using this demo. This can be a great way to add some interactivity to your website and help engage your users.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Highlight on scroll with CSS-variables


  • Martin Schuhfuss

Made with

  • HTML / CSS / JS

Created on

  • FEBRUARY 2, 2016

Updated on

  • APRIL 29, 2017

About the Code

If you’ve ever wanted to highlight text on a web page as you scroll, you can do so relatively easily with CSS variables.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Scroll controlled SVG animation


  • Manuel Cárdenas

Made with

  • HTML / CSS / JS

Created on

  • JUNE 7, 2016

Updated on

  • JUNE 8, 2016

About the Code

SVG drawing with scroll effect made with scroll magic and GSAP (Green Sock), two jQuery plugins.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery TweenMax ScrollMagic debug.addIndicators animation.gsap

Scroll Based Animation


  • lmgonzalves

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • APRIL 22, 2019

Updated on

  • APRIL 22, 2019

About the Code

Scroll-based animations can add a lot of depth and engagement to a website or web application. They can also be used to help guide a user through a task or process. We have created scroll-based gallery animation effects using SCSS and JavaScript.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


RGB Channel Split Scroll Effect


  • Nathan Taylor

Made with

  • Pug / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • MARCH 2, 2017

Updated on

  • MARCH 7, 2017

About the Code

I used blend modes to separate images out into RGB components and separate them on scroll for a cool blur effect.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery

Box CSS Scroll Effect


  • Vivek

Made with

  • Pug / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • JUNE 29, 2020

Updated on

  • JULY 1, 2020

About the Code

The box scroll effect is a popular technique used in web design. It can be used to create a variety of effects, such as a scrolling animation or a static image.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: all jquery ScrollTrigger gsap-latest-beta

Floaty Bubbles on Scroll


  • Will Boyd

Made with

Created on

  • JUNE 11, 2018

Updated on

  • JUNE 11, 2018

About the Code

Scroll the page. Physics-based floaty bubbles background scroll effect.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Horizontal Infinite “Out of Synch” Scroll Effect


  • Julien Lejeune

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • MAY 11, 2017

Updated on

  • MAY 11, 2017

About the Code

We have created a horizontal infinite scroll effect using SCSS and JavaScript. This effect can be used to create a seamless browsing experience for users on your website or web application.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery

Horizontal Scroll effect


  • Austin Kregel

Made with

  • Haml / CSS / JS

Created on

  • OCTOBER 4, 2014

Updated on

  • DECEMBER 7, 2017

About the Code

Just a note about this design, it scrolls way too fast for trackpads.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery

Expanding Diagonal Background on Scroll


  • Derek Palladino

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • APRIL 1, 2016

Updated on

  • July 28, 2016

About the Code

Simple JQuery scroll effect to fill the background with the background diagonal.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Disclaimer: iOS Safari’s disappearing nav bar ruins everything fun as usual.

Fade Effect on CSS Scroll


  • foleyatwork

Made with

  • HTML / Sass / JS

Created on

  • MAY 16, 2014

Updated on

  • NOVEMBER 3, 2015

About the Code

Fade on the scroll is a great way to add subtlety and polish to your web designs. It’s a simple effect that can be achieved with just a few lines of code. And best of all, it’s easy to customize using Sass and JavaScript.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Paper Scroll effects


  • Ben Rowles

Made with

  • HTML / CSS / JS

Created on

  • JANUARY 20, 2016

Updated on

  • OCTOBER 9, 2016

About the Code

With careful use of overflow: hidden and CSS 3d transforms (and a little innerHTML nonsense) we can create a compelling JavaScript scroll effect.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Disclaimer: Works best in Chrome.

Scroll animating effect


  • Dima

Made with

  • Pug / Stylus / JS

Created on

  • JUNE 7, 2016

Updated on

  • JUNE 13, 2016

About the Code

Animating elements in and out of the Viewport on scroll.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo


Animate on scroll minimal


  • Tiberiu Raducea

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • July 13, 2016

Updated on

  • July 13, 2016

About the Code

This is a very very basic imitation of how I think waypoints works

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: jquery

Full Page Parallax Scroll Effect


  • Emily Hayman

Made with

  • HTML / SCSS / JS

Created on

  • AUGUST 16, 2015

Updated on

  • OCTOBER 14, 2018

About the Code

A lightweight full-page parallax CSS scroll effect.

Useful Links: More info | Live Demo

Dependency: lodash, jquery

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