Does Internet Explorer 10 Support HTML5?

In the ever-evolving world of web development, HTML5 stands as a milestone in terms of functionality and versatility. This fifth major revision of the Hypertext Markup Language brings many exciting features and improvements to the table.

But does Internet Explorer 10, the aging web browser released in 2012, support HTML5?

Let’s dive in and find out.

Understanding HTML5

Before delving into Internet Explorer 10’s compatibility with HTML5, let’s first have a clear understanding of what HTML5 entails. HTML5 is not a single technology, but rather a collection of technologies that work together to enhance the browsing experience.

HTML5 introduces various new elements, attributes, and APIs that allow developers to create more dynamic and interactive web pages. It includes features like audio and video playback, canvas for graphics rendering, local storage for offline capabilities, and much more.

Internet Explorer 10 and HTML5

Internet Explorer 10 was a significant release for Microsoft as it aimed to improve the web browsing experience for its users. While it was a step forward in terms of standards compliance compared to its predecessors, Internet Explorer 10 falls short in fully supporting all HTML5 features that modern web developers rely on.

Partial HTML5 Support

Internet Explorer 10 is not a fully HTML5 compliant browser. It supports many HTML5 features, but it lacks support for some key components. This could lead to compatibility issues when working with certain HTML5 elements and APIs.

Where Internet Explorer 10 Lags Behind

  1. Web Components: Internet Explorer 10 does not support the Web Components standard, which includes technologies like Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, and HTML Templates. These technologies enable the creation of reusable components and enhance modularity in web development.
  2. WebRTC: WebRTC, an API that allows real-time communication through browsers, is not supported in Internet Explorer 10. This means that features like video chat and peer-to-peer file sharing that rely on WebRTC will not work in this browser.
  3. WebGL: Internet Explorer 10 does not support WebGL, a technology that enables hardware-accelerated 3D graphics in the browser. This limitation restricts the ability to create visually immersive experiences using WebGL.
  4. Fullscreen API: The Fullscreen API allows web pages to be displayed in fullscreen mode, but unfortunately, Internet Explorer 10 does not support this API. This can be problematic when trying to create applications that rely on a fullscreen display.
  5. Input Types: Internet Explorer 10 lacks support for some input types introduced in HTML5, such as the datetime, week, and month input types. This limitation may affect the user experience and functionality of web forms that rely on these input types.
  6. CSS3 Features: While Internet Explorer 10 has improved CSS3 support compared to its predecessors, it still lacks support for some advanced CSS3 features like Flexbox and Grid Layout. This can limit the flexibility and responsiveness of web layouts.

Workarounds and Polyfills

Despite the limitations of Internet Explorer 10 when it comes to HTML5 support, there are workarounds and polyfills available to bridge the gap and enable some of the missing features.

Workarounds involve implementing alternative solutions or using fallbacks for unsupported features. For example, if Internet Explorer 10 does not support a particular HTML5 element, you can use JavaScript to create a custom implementation or fallback behavior.

Polyfills are JavaScript libraries that provide the functionality of HTML5 features in browsers that do not natively support them. These libraries detect the browser’s capabilities and polyfill the missing features to ensure consistent behavior across different browsers.

However, it’s important to note that not all HTML5 features can be fully recreated through workarounds or polyfills. Some capabilities rely on browser-level support, and these workarounds may not provide the same level of performance or compatibility as native implementations.

The Importance of Browser Compatibility

With the rapid advancements in web technologies, browser compatibility is an essential consideration for web developers. While it may be tempting to focus on the latest and greatest features, it’s crucial to ensure that your website or web application works across a wide range of browsers, including older versions.

Internet Explorer 10 may still have a significant user base, especially in certain industries or regions. Ignoring compatibility with this browser could potentially exclude a significant portion of your target audience.


In summary, while Internet Explorer 10 introduced improvements in terms of HTML5 support compared to its predecessors, it falls short of fully supporting all HTML5 features. Its lack of support for various HTML5 components, APIs, and CSS3 features limits the capabilities and flexibility of web development. However, with the use of workarounds and polyfills, some of the missing features can be partially enabled. Nonetheless, it’s crucial for web developers to consider browser compatibility and ensure that their websites and web applications function correctly across a wide range of browsers, including Internet Explorer 10.

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