JavaScript Type Conversion and Coercion Explained

JavaScript Type Conversion and Coercion – Understand the process of converting and coercing data types in JavaScript, including the use of type conversion functions and the difference between implicit and explicit coercion.

JavaScript is a loosely typed language, which means that the type of a value can change dynamically during runtime. In this language, type conversion, also known as type casting or type coercion, is the process of converting a value from one type to another. This can be done implicitly, when a value is used in a different context that requires a different type, or explicitly, using type conversion functions.

In JavaScript, there are six primitive data types: Number, String, Boolean, Symbol, BigInt, and Undefined. These data types can be converted to other primitive data types using type conversion functions or coercion.

Implicit type coercion:

Implicit type coercion happens automatically and is usually done by JavaScript when a value of one type is used in a context that requires a different type. Here are a few examples:

Adding a number to a string:

let num = 42;
let str = "Hello, " + num;
console.log(str); // "Hello, 42"

In this example, the number 42 is implicitly coerced to a string when it is concatenated with the string "Hello, ".

Comparing values of different types:

let num = 42;
let str = "42";
console.log(num == str); // true

In this example, the string "42" is implicitly coerced to a number when it is compared to the number 42.

Explicit type coercion:

Explicit type coercion happens when a type conversion function is used to convert a value from one type to another. The three main type conversion functions in JavaScript are Number, String, and Boolean.


The Number function can be used to convert a value to a number type. If the argument is already a number, it returns the argument. If the argument is a string that represents a number, it returns the numeric value. Otherwise, it returns NaN (Not a Number).

let num = Number("123");
console.log(typeof num); // "number"

let str = "hello";
let num = Number(str);
console.log(num); // NaN


The String function can be used to convert a value to a string type. If the argument is already a string, it returns the argument. Otherwise, it returns the string representation of the argument.

let str = String(123);
console.log(typeof str); // "string"

let num = 42;
let str = String(num);
console.log(str); // "42"


The Boolean function can be used to convert a value to a boolean type. If the argument is 0, NaN, null, undefined, "" (empty string), or false, it returns false. Otherwise, it returns true.

let bool = Boolean(0);
console.log(typeof bool); // "boolean"
console.log(bool); // false

let num = 42;
let bool = Boolean(num);
console.log(bool); // true

Essential Resources for Learning JavaScript Type Conversion and Coercion

There are many resources available online that provide in-depth information and tutorials about JavaScript type conversion and coercion. Some of the most useful resources include:

  1. MDN Web Docs ( – A comprehensive resource for web developers, including articles, tutorials, and references on JavaScript and other web technologies.
  2. W3Schools ( – A popular resource for web developers, offering tutorials and references on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies.
  3. Eloquent JavaScript ( – A book by Marijn Haverbeke that provides a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript, including information on data types, coercion, and type conversion.
  4. ( – A comprehensive resource for learning JavaScript, including articles, tutorials, and examples on topics such as data types, type conversion, and coercion.
  5. FreeCodeCamp ( – A non-profit organization that offers free coding classes, including a comprehensive course on JavaScript, covering topics such as data types, coercion, and type conversion.

These resources can help you gain a deeper understanding of JavaScript type conversion and coercion, and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to effectively use these techniques in your own projects.


In conclusion, type conversion and coercion are essential concepts in JavaScript that allow developers to work with values of different types. Understanding how type coercion works in JavaScript is crucial for writing robust and maintainable code.

What is coercion javascript?

Coercion in JavaScript refers to the automatic conversion of values from one type to another. This can occur in two ways: implicit coercion and explicit coercion.

Implicit coercion happens automatically when a value of one type is used in a context that requires a different type. For example, when a number is added to a string, JavaScript will implicitly convert the number to a string so that the two values can be concatenated.

Explicit coercion happens when a type conversion function is used to convert a value from one type to another. JavaScript provides three main type of conversion functions: Number, String, and Boolean. These functions can be used to explicitly convert values from one type to another.

It’s important to understand coercion in JavaScript because it can lead to unexpected results if you’re not aware of it. Therefore, it’s best to use explicit type conversion when you need to ensure that a value has a specific type.

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